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Archive for July, 2011

Hinaying the ‘Kashmir,issue,the Hina way.

Now since Pakistan has tried to give new lease of life to the Kashmir issue by way of appointing a young and dynamic leader as Foreign minister,a ray of hope has started igniting in the political circles.

When Hina Khar landed in Delhi she was received with full honor not because she was carrying branded bags and designer goggles but because of the fact she displayed maturity inspite of tender age.

The quality of the leader should be to use language diplomatically and leave no room for confrontation as has been the case with the previous foreign ministers(including Mr. Mehmood) and before talks could start they have already created confusion in the minds of the people they have to meet.

Last time just in a mutual press conference the Mr. Shah Mehmood,foreign minister of Pakistan started giving controversial statement and therefore defeating the very purpose of his visit. But this time the atmosphere was cordial and in the same breath Ms Hina had fogged all the headlines of all the leading news papers of India with the Poise she carried herself.

Ms. Hina had two advantages on her side,one she was very innocent and another she used the language of peace,moderation and above all the patience to hear all the parties.

It was a good gesture that she met the resistant leadership of Kashmir including the Sayeed Shah Geelani,the voice of Kashmir and heard their view point but again she managed the cool tempers from Govt Of India.

Now we have to see whether anything translated on the ground in the form of any solution for the vexed issue of Kashmir. Let us keep our fingers crossed n watch.

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let the World get it digested that through conflict we are only bruising of souls and nothing can be achieved.The reconciliatiom and moderation is the only plateform to get our goals. Let the whole world get united and allow peace a chance.

The world is nearing a conflicting zone,the parameters need to be drawn so that the peace and prosperity is supplied with sufficient oxygen to let it live and let others also taste the soup of life.
I look far ward to the day when peace will rule us.

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