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Archive for September, 2013

The Zubin Mehta show of politics

I don,t deem it a privilege to listen to Zubin Mehta in Shalimar gardens of Kashmir scheduled to be performed on 7th Sept.2013 or for that matter in any other part of the world because to me he is a musician without a conscience.

Some people are also opposing this issue but give it a different color and relate it with the disputed status of Kashmir but by doing so these people exhibit a teleological deterministic mind set.

I have no problem with outside musicians coming and performing in Kashmir. I welcome it. I don’t want my civil society to be autartic,arcane and insular. I want to retain international appeal. I have serious ideological problems with Zubin Mehta concert in J&K.

Zubin Mehta is not a plain vanila musician. He conducts the Israel philharmonic orchestra(IPO). For the uninitiated the IPO is and has often been described as;Israel,s foremost cultural asset. It is widely considered as the orchestra of Jews. I have a problem with his politics and association.

His music is deeply and inexorably intertwined with his politics and he is a Zianist. It is this that makes his music not only the music of oppression but also music without a conscience for me.

It is always a issue in any other part of the world when he conducts shows,be it In Buenos Aires earlier this week or in New York some time back.

Indeed Mehta is not only passionately committed and devoted to the IPO but also to Israel and Israel,s.

Most of the orchestra members are ultra orthodox ideologists who refuse to perform if women are singing on the stage.

Zubin Mehta will be conducting Bavarian state of orchestra at shalimar gardens but composition could be anything.

Let us instead listen to the music of Bob Marley who was a vocal advocate of peace and black power.

We should instead boycott and silence Zubin Mehta,the Israeli voice in Kashmir and so to show a conscience and political support of our fellow resistors;The great Palestinians,who,s voice is crushed by the people very close to Mehta.

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